Common Car Issues During Summer: How To Prevent Them

June 19, 2023

Summer is coming very soon! And while most of us enjoy it, the hot weather may not be too friendly to cars. Here are some common car issues that occur during summer.

Summer is a popular time for road trips and long drives, but it is also a season that can take a toll on your vehicle. Amidst the scorching heat and heavy traffic, common car issues can arise if proper measures are not taken.

Several factors make your car susceptible to issues during summer, particularly brake problems. High temperatures, heavy traffic, long drives, and overloading can contribute to brake rotor damage and other issues. By understanding these factors, you can take measures to prevent common car issues during summer and ensure that your driving experience is safe and worry-free.

Here are the typical car issues that happen during the summer season.

Overheating Engine

During the summer months, one of the most common car issues that drivers face is an overheating engine. Various factors can cause this problem, but one of the most significant is air conditioning in high temperatures. When the temperature outside is hot and the AC is running, the engine has to work much harder to keep the car cool. This extra strain can lead to an overheating engine, which can be dangerous and costly if not addressed promptly.

The effects of an overheating engine can be severe. If the motor becomes too hot, it can cause damage to various engine components, including the head gasket, pistons, and cylinder walls. Additionally, an overheating engine can cause the car to stall or break down entirely, leaving the driver stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Fortunately, there are some simple solutions to this problem. First, drivers can reduce their use of the AC during the hottest parts of the day. Rolling down the windows or using a sunshade can help keep the car cool without putting additional strain on the engine. In addition, drivers should make sure that their car's cooling system is functioning correctly. This may include checking the coolant level, radiator hoses, and fan belts. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent overheating from occurring in the first place.

Tire Blowing Out

One of the summer's most common car issues is tire blowouts caused by underinflated tires or hot road surfaces. Underinflated tires generate more heat, causing them to wear out faster and increasing the blowout risk. Additionally, hot road surfaces increase the temperature of the tires, making them more prone to failure.

The effect of a tire blowout while driving can be catastrophic, leading to loss of control, accidents, and even fatalities. To avoid this issue, drivers should ensure their tires are properly inflated and in good condition before heading out. Regular checks for wear and tear and monitoring tire pressure can help prevent a blowout.

When driving on hot roads, drivers should also take extra precautions, such as reducing speed and avoiding sudden maneuvers. If a tire blowout does occur, drivers should remain calm, keep a firm grip on the steering wheel, and gradually reduce speed. They should also have a spare tire and the tools to change the tire safely.

Cracked Or Damaged Windshield

Another common car issue during summer is a cracked or damaged windshield caused by intense sunlight and heat. The high temperatures can cause stress on the glass, leading to cracks or chips. Additionally, debris and rocks on the road can also cause damage.

A cracked or damaged windshield reduces visibility while driving, which can be dangerous and increase the risk of accidents. It can also compromise the vehicle's structural integrity, making it less safe in a collision.

To avoid this issue, drivers can park their cars in shaded areas or use a windshield sunshade to reduce exposure to direct sunlight and heat. They should also avoid using cold water to clean hot windshields, which can cause further cracks.

If a crack or chip does occur, drivers should get it repaired as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading. They can take their car to a professional windshield repair service or use a DIY repair kit. A windshield replacement may be necessary in severe cases where the damage is extensive.

Malfunctioning Radiator Fan

A malfunctioning radiator fan is another common car issue during summer that can result in poor engine performance. The radiator fan helps regulate the engine's temperature. The machine can overheat and suffer damage if it fails to function correctly.

The cause of a malfunctioning radiator fan can be due to a faulty motor, broken fan blades, or a blown fuse. Overheating can also happen due to a low coolant level or a damaged water pump. The effect of a malfunctioning radiator fan is poor engine performance, reduced fuel efficiency, and an increased risk of engine failure.

To avoid this issue, drivers should regularly check for signs of wear and tear on the radiator fan, such as unusual noises or slow rotation. They should also ensure that the coolant levels are appropriate and that the system has no leaks. Regular maintenance and servicing can help identify and address any issues early on.

If a malfunctioning radiator fan is detected, drivers should take their car to a mechanic to repair or replace it. DIY repairs should be avoided, as it can be dangerous to work on the engine without proper knowledge and tools.

Reduced Fuel Efficiency

Reduced fuel efficiency is a standard car issue during summer due to increased AC use and higher temperatures. Using the air conditioner can strain the engine, causing it to work harder and burn more fuel. Higher temperatures can also make the engine less efficient and reduce fuel economy.

Reduced fuel efficiency results in higher gasoline costs and increased environmental impact due to higher emissions. To avoid this issue, drivers should use the air conditioner conservatively and take other measures to keep their cars cool, such as parking in shaded areas or using a windshield sunshade.

Drivers can also improve fuel efficiency by reducing excess weight in the car, maintaining proper tire pressure, and avoiding aggressive driving. Regular maintenance, such as oil changes and tune-ups, can also help ensure optimal engine performance and fuel economy.

Suppose fuel efficiency still needs to improve despite these measures. In that case, drivers may consider upgrading to a more efficient vehicle or using alternative modes of transportation, such as biking or public transit.

Sticking brake pedals caused by excessive heat and wear

Sticking brake pedals caused by excessive heat and wear is another common car issue during summer. Higher temperatures can cause the brake fluid to boil, resulting in gas bubbles that can cause the brake pedal to stick. Additionally, worn brake pads or a damaged caliper can lead to a sticking brake pedal.

The effect of a sticking brake pedal is reduced braking power, increased risk of accidents, and damage to the brake system. To avoid this issue, drivers should regularly check their brake system for wear and tear, such as worn brake pads or warped rotors. They should also ensure that the brake fluid is at the right level and that there are no leaks in the system.

If a sticking brake pedal is detected, drivers should take their car to a mechanic to repair it immediately. DIY repairs are not recommended, as working on the brake system can be dangerous without proper knowledge and tools.

Faulty ignition Coils

As summer heats up, cars are prone to issues, and one of the most prevalent ones drivers face is engine misfires and stalling caused by faulty ignition coils. These coils provide power to the spark plugs, which ignite the fuel in the engine. The engine can misfire when malfunctioning, causing the vehicle to shake and lose control. In some cases, the engine might even stall, leaving the driver stranded.

Wear and tear over time is a common cause of faulty ignition coils. Still, extreme temperatures during summer can also lead to their failure. High temperatures result in the expansion and contraction of the coils, leading to cracks and other damage to the coils.

The solution to this issue is relatively simple. If your vehicle experiences engine misfires or stalls, take it to a trusted mechanic. They will diagnose the problem and replace the faulty ignition coils. Regular maintenance, such as oil changes and tune-ups, can prevent this issue.

Warped or damaged brake rotors due to high temperatures and heavy braking.

Summer's high temperatures and heavy braking can cause brake rotors to warp or damage, leading to a significant car issue. The brake rotor is the part of the brake system that the brake pads clamp onto to slow down the vehicle. When the rotors become warped or damaged, it can lead to a vibrating sensation when braking and reduced braking power.

The heat generated during summer is a common cause of warped brake rotors. The brake system becomes hotter as the temperature rises, making the rotors more prone to warping. Heavy braking also contributes to this issue, causing overheating and uneven wear on the rotors.

To prevent this issue, ensure that your brake system is maintained regularly. Check the brakes periodically, especially before long drives, to ensure they are in good working condition. Avoid hard and sudden braking whenever possible, as this can cause undue stress on the brake rotors.

If you notice any warped or damaged brake rotors symptoms, take your car to a trusted mechanic immediately. Ignoring the problem can lead to more severe issues, costly repairs, and safety concerns.

And These Are The Most Common Car Issues During Summer

In conclusion, summer can be challenging for your car, and it is essential to prepare it adequately to prevent common car issues like brake rotor damage. Regular maintenance, checking the brake system and cooling system, and avoiding overloading are some measures to ensure a safe and hassle-free summer driving experience.

Suppose you are looking for used cars for sale in Utah. In that case, inspecting the vehicle thoroughly, including its brake system, before purchasing is crucial. By doing so, you can ensure that you get a reliable car that will serve you well during the summer season and beyond. Remember to stay safe on the road by driving within the speed limits, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, and following all traffic rules and regulations.

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